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Kathmandu, Nepal
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About us

about us

Landmark Overseas delivers quality manpower solutions, leveraging technology and prioritizing client needs and worker welfare.

Manpower supply agency in Nepal – Landmark overseas comes up adopting current technology of operating outline in workplace to extend potency of the work load thus on meet the particular demand of our distinguished international purchasers that has reached more than hundred in numbers. We additionally focus to maintain national priorities generating a lot of foreign remittent so raising the socio-economic standing of the nation.

It has been perpetually a district of our traditions to focus and understand the necessity of our valued purchasers so as to implement an equivalent among point. We might warmly welcome the suggestions and appearance ahead to enduring relationship.

We have been prioritizing on interview to pick competent and also the top candidates and provide complete attention to please the stress. Sincerely speaking, we’ve not established one criticism from the using countries relating to the services presented by this company till date.

For promoting a first-class connection particularly with the gulf countries, our main awareness is to facilitate with the best service to the company. Also, offer an opportunity to us our company make sure that we promise our potential to assemble your necessities.

Our company also makes sure that the employees are likely to become sufficiently immunize and in case of severe injury or unexpected death, the recompense is done to their families via insurance agencies.


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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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