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Nepal, with its brave people, is committed to providing skilled manpower globally, serving all backgrounds with dedication and efficiency.


The more technology advances and develops man becomes global, the more it is becoming closer to the concept of one family. In today’s world of competition, success comes to those who are willing to go one step further. This thing can be observed from a landlocked but aimed high nation; Nepal. The brave people of Nepal are willing to serve the family of a human being anywhere in the world. The Manpower Supply, the best recruitment agency in Nepal is also willing to accept the challenge of giving the required manpower within the minimum time. Being the hometown of Mount Everest, their hearts are willing to serve any cast, color, and creed. This is evident from our history.

Company Demand fulfillment by The Recruitment Agency in Nepal

The literacy rate of Nepal is increasing incrementally each year and we are capable to view the world demand for the human resource. The competitive edge of Nepalese manpower supplier is the economical workers with the added advantage of disciplined and literate youth. The recruiting process of the recruitment agency in Nepal is swift and highly professional. We use all means of modern recruitment and pay special focus on the legal perspective of documentation. We try to give the best working force to the world.

Why Landmark Has The Fame for The Best Recruitment Agency in Nepal

The success of Nepalese workers did not come in days. It is the hard work of years. This trust is earned in years. Landmark is among the hundreds of recruitment agency in Nepal. Our journey started in 2008 and after that, we never have looked back. The eligibility of supplier can be checked from Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies (NAFEA). Most of the human resource suppliers like to be considered a legal manpower recruitment agency in Nepal. This fair competition might be the cause of the efficiency and this world of ours is in the need of efficiency to save time and money.

From low tech to mid-tech manpower and to some extent in high tech, you just give orders for recruitment and you will hear a positive response from us because we are really working hard to fulfill the world’s demand. We can provide you, doctors of diverse specialization, engineers of the required faculty, accountants, teachers, architects, technicians of diverse fields, the skilled manpower of innumerable fields and semi-skilled labor for almost any type of work i.e., mason, carpenter, iron men etc. Nepalese are famous for their bravery and they prefer for security personnel services.


In the above-mentioned website, the data of all the registered recruitment agencies in Nepal is available in chronological sequence. Just match your required needs and let us know. We really have many intricate details of specialization available as one of the leading recruitment agency from Nepal. Nepalese recruitment companies have very good start worldwide for the service of mankind and with the time they will keep on giving their best to the world.

Free feel to connect with the reliable recruitment agency in Nepal, we’re always ready for your recruitment solution either for job seeker or employer.


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