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How To Choose The Right Career????

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  • How To Choose The Right Career????

Landmark is the leading & highly recommended Manpower Agencies in Nepal. It was established in 2008 under license no. is 762/064/065.

The world of employment consists of thousands of careers. Nepal is a country which is still in the process of fully growing in sectors like education and employment. Though the government is keen on promoting skilled labor locally and internationally, the number of professionals including engineers, doctors and bankers is set to increase. Nepal has policy frameworks in place hence in some years to come; the formal education sector is expected to improve. Picking the right career could be tricky for most young people. The environment, family, passion and education level could be some of the factors which determine one’s choice of career. Ideally we spend 855 of our adult life at the work place. This is a confirmation of how necessary it is to choose the suitable career.

A good number of people in Nepal turn their skills in areas such as masonry, carpentry and auto-repairs into good jobs. There is a high demand for the Nepalese Manpower for over 2 centuries now especially in Middle East countries. However, the following points will help you choose a career path either as a professional or skilled workers

How To Choose The Right Career? IDEAS

1. Explore your  Hobbies

What do you love doing during your free time?  This could make a good career. Research shows that the happiest people are the ones doing jobs related to their hobbies. This is fulfilling and psychologically rewarding. For example, if your hobby is playing football, then a career say as a football coach could be suitable.

2. Explore your Dreams.

Childhood dreams could be pointers to a career path. Though most dreams change as one matures, it is possible to base your future job on your dreams.

3. What are your favorite subjects or units of study in school?

Most professional jobs such as engineering, administration and banking are based on academics. It is wise to   analyze areas one is good in say sciences, languages or arts.  If you have a passion in geography, then a career in tours and travel would be great. Also, the love and mastery of languages means that   one could make a good journalist and so forth.

4. What are your Skills?

Skilled labor is gaining popularity especially in Nepal and the world in general. People have exceptional skills which could translate to great careers. Skills such as electrical fitting, cooking, masonry and housekeeping make well-paying jobs. It is advisable for one to explore such skills and turn them into productive jobs.

5. Explore your Talents

The most fulfilling jobs are based on talent. This is because it involves doing something you love for a career. For example a talent in music would make a wonderful career. Also; a talented painter could make a living working as an artist. Explore your talents and convert them into a career.

Nepal is a source of rich manpower in form of professionals, skilled and semi-skilled labor. The above points will help individuals explore and find the right and fulfilling career locally or internationally. Thus, always hire manpower from the Manpower Agencies in Nepal.

We as a responsible manpower agency, always make every effort for excellence in service and trust in accomplishment. Our goal not only is to work for monetary success but also for the success of the people who have trust in us.Thus remember Manpower agencies in Nepal for all kinds of employment works.

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