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Are You Working with Best Recruitment Agency in Nepal?

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  • Are You Working with Best Recruitment Agency in Nepal?

There are so many Recruitment Agencies in Nepal these days. It feels like you cannot pass any street without seeing a recruitment agency these days. In this cluster of recruitment agencies, you may feel confused and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of agencies and their services. So, how to go about choosing a Recruitment agency in Nepal? Or coming to exact point, how to know if you are working with genuine Recruitment agency in Nepal?

Landmark Manpower Solution is one of the most trusted recruitment agencies in Nepal. With vast experience gained through numerous years of work and countless satisfied candidates. We don’t feel that we are lying when we say “we are best among the best when it comes to recruiting”.

Compiled here are some tips to check if the Recruitment Agency you are working with is a good one and is working for you:

  • To work as a recruitment agency in Nepal, first off, the agency should be registered with government. Nepal Government provides unique registration number to recruiting agencies. It is your right and actually a responsibility to as for their registration number for verification before you start any work with the agency.
  •  Also helpful is the portfolio of the past works of the recruitment agency. The way they work and the companies they are in contact with can give you the idea whether they are there to con you or actually help you realize your potential in global job market.
  • All recruitment agencies that ask you for overly high fees and maybe even surprise you with hidden fees are just trying to suck in your money without doing actual work. We have come up as best recruiting agency in Nepal because we are transparent in our transactions.
  • Many recruiting agencies in Nepal take a hold of your passport and original documents the moment you enter their office. This is required only when you are going for final interview and further visa processing. There have been cases of money extortion by recruitment agencies for getting back your original documents.

It is not necessary for you to choose only us as your Recruitment agency in Nepal but we want you to be absolutely satisfy with the agency you choose. Beware of fake and con recruitment agencies in Nepal.

Feel free to contact Landmark Manpower Solution for pertinent information or to book appointment today. See our track record and you will know why our visitors will never step foot in any other recruitment agency in Nepal.

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