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Manpower Agency in Nepal and Current Scenario in the Recruitment Process

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  • Manpower Agency in Nepal and Current Scenario in the Recruitment Process
Manpower agency in Nepal are one of the largest start-ups and have been at the forefront of the recruitment industry. To maintain the manpower supply in the diverse range in the market, the agencies have to maintain a level of status to deliver a quality service with a highly motivational approach to recruitment.

Realizing the imperatives of the foreign employment in the economic growth of the country, the Government of Nepal introduced Foreign Employment Act in 1985 and joined the employment market by sending its surplus manpower abroad for the employment. However, the outflow of the Nepalese workers from the country started after 1990 which went up in considerable numbers.

Current Scenario of Manpower Agency in Nepal for Recruitment Process

Manpower Recruitment from Nepal is now a trend of Human Resources for Foreign Employment for the citizens of the country for many years. There are many agencies that cater to various sectors of manpower recruitment throughout the Middle East and other countries that outsource manpower. All the manpower being provided by manpower agency in Nepal has to be registered by the Government of Nepal.
Finding the right people to fill up various job vacancies can be a tedious task and rather stressful, but employment agencies carry forward the recruitment process and the screening that takes place step-by-step brings out the best to provide the endless supply of workers to suit all the needs and requirements set by the foreign employer. Nepalese are accustomed to hard work and have proved that they are able to undertake any kind of jobs under any circumstances. However, recently the demands of Nepalese manpower of different categories have increased in the Gulf as well in the East Asian countries.

The reason for Choosing Manpower Agency in Nepal for Recruitment?

With the experience gained over the years in the foreign employment market, many countries now have shown their interest in hiring the Nepalese skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled manpower because of the following reasons:

  • Nepalese workers are well known for their hard work, dedication, and loyalty
  • Advantage of a wider choice for the foreign employers
  • Availability of manpower in any category
  • Formalities and procedures for the recruitment process is simple
  • Nepalese workers are comparatively cost effective and their hiring cost is lower as compared to other labor-exporting countries
  • Nepalese workers are experienced in working in the extreme climatic conditions
  • Nepal is situated very close to the labor-importing countries and linked by air with the recruitment countries.

All interested foreign employers have to follow certain processes and rules set by the Government and they have to recruit through the licensed agencies registered with the Department of Labor and Employment Promotion, Government of Nepal. The recruitment agencies in Nepal make direct contact and negotiate with the overseas employers for procuring manpower requirements. Once the agents receive any authorized vacancy demand from the overseas employers, the licensed agents then carry out the proper process of applying to the Director General of the Labor Department for the recruitment permission.  After the supervision and monitoring of the recruitment process from the Labor Department, the recruitment agencies get the approval to export the manpower.


Recruitment agency in Nepal is primary sources to abroad recruitment. Manpower in Nepal is completely relying on abroad jobs and this is increasing day by day. Above mentioned scenario is based on the particulars obtained from different recruitment agencies in Nepal within a year.

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