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Things Which Are Required For Getting a Job Abroad

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  • Things Which Are Required For Getting a Job Abroad

To find attractive and high paying jobs in abroad is something like a dream. WE want to get luxurious life but do not want to work hard.  Now in present context of Nepal, abroad job is seen to be most attractive and lucrative to realize people’s dream in short. Whatever be you’re your motive for going to work in foreign countries, formalities should be considered as main factor. Foreign formalities procedures are tough to do personally But Do not take tension because we top Manpower agency in Nepal {landmark Hr Consultant} is here to take your tension away. Since, we do all the formalities and legal procedures that are essential to do. We make it easier for you to get International job offers.

The Manpower agency in Nepal has some criteria for choosing candidate for the job.  Through this blog we are going to explain some information about the formalities which are involved by the foreign employer.

  • The Demand offers/letters

At first, Recruiting agency in Nepal will receive the demand letter from the employer company. If you are looking job in foreign countries through the recruitment agency, then agencies will make clear that country has such restriction about that jobs or not. IF there is restriction you can ask for copy of demand and check it. In this way, you can be assured that you are going through the legal procedures.

  • The visa formalities

When you go to the foreign countries for job then you should have a valid visa.  Therefore, you must have a legally approved passport with valid period of duration.  Before applying for job make sure that you have legal passport.

  • The Checklist

For your own safety and security take all precautions making sure that your employer is correct as per the agency.  Online research will help you lot to find the correct information. IF not then Foreign Ministries will help you to find about the employer.

Always keep these facts in mind so that you need not have to regret in going to foreign employments.

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