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Some Ideas for Adjustment in New Environment

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  • Some Ideas for Adjustment in New Environment

Landmark Manpower Solution is the Manpower Agency in Nepal since we have been continuously contributing in the field of manpower recruitment. We are legal Manpower recruitment agency in Nepal which is established under Government license:762 /064/065.

Obviously it is tough to adjust for anyone in a new environment. Specially, for those Nepali worker who go to gulf and other countries for employment. So, many people get tensed with adjustment in new environment.  If Workers can’t survive new environment they are unable to perform their work in the recruiting company.

Don’t be stressed here we, Manpower agency in Nepal  is providing some Tips for Adjustments in new Environment:

  • You must not think more about the Information:

During first days of starting new job, Seniors will provide more information about the company and their rules. But you should not be worried because you will get adjusted as the time passes by. Thus, don’t be worried about the information provided  first.

  • Cultural learning through Internets:

Cultural learning is most important because if you have proper knowledge of culture and tradition of countries you are going or you are working to. Then, it won’t take much time to adjust in new environment. You can learn cultures through Internets.

  • Make close relation with co-workers:

In company there are lots of people working, if you are new to job. You should make good relation with your co- workers, understanding his/her culture and behavior.

  • Share your difficulties with friends or family:

In these modern days of internet, we can share our views feelings at no time. Using different social medias such as Facebook, Viber, IMO, we can easily link our friends and family as well as, can share our difficulties with them. Sharing our difficulties will help to relieve our tension and feel that we aren’t living in a new environment.

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