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Why Think About Manpower Recruitment From Nepal?

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  • Why Think About Manpower Recruitment From Nepal?

Nepal is a small country with a population of 26 million citizens. It is a beautiful with a lot of tourist attraction sites and wonderful, hospitable people. The Nepalese workers are largely gaining popularity especially in Middle East countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong.  The government of Nepal has policies in place to govern the   deployment of youths as manpower recruiting from Nepal for the development growth of country. This practice is a good source of revenue for the country.

The trend started over 2 centuries ago thanks to the legendary Gurkha. This was a group of Nepalese youth who were recruited to fight in the British army during world war.  They fought bravely and left an impressive record. Since then, Nepal workers are known to be brave and dedicated making them preferable in foreign countries. The Manpower Recruitment Agencies in Nepal play a big role in facilitating recruitment process.

The following are some of the Reasons for Manpower Recruitment From Nepal:

1. Variety

The Nepal manpower sector has a variety of workers; skilled unskilled, semi-skilled and professionals. This developing a country cannot meet employment needs of its citizens. That is why most of them seek employment outside. Employment agencies ensure you get your preferred category of workers.

2. Hard work, dedication and loyalty

Hard work is the most attractive quality of Nepalese workers.  In addition, they are loyal to their employers and dedicated in their duties.

3. Cost and Affordability

It is cost effective to source manpower from Nepal. The cost is relatively lower and affordable   but this does not compromise on the quality of workers.  The manpower staffing agencies offer recruitment services at a fair rate as compared to other countries

4. Simple, Flexible Government Policies

The government of Nepal is supportive of foreign employment. This is well indicated by the foreign employment act enacted in 1985. Such policies in support of the practice make it easy for employers to get workers from Nepal. The policies protect   migrant workers and employees.

5. Simple and Easy- to- Follow Procedures

The process of recruiting manpower from Nepal   is easy for employers and prospective workers. The Nepal ministry of labor and transport management is responsible for authorization and approval of any manpower recruitment.  There are few requirements for employers such as a demand letter, power of attorney, service agreement, employment contract and a guarantee letter. The process could be made simpler by linking up with a good recruitment agency in Nepal. They help in ensuring all documents are submitted and the required procedure is followed. This way, it is possible to get quality personnel within a short time.

Nepal is a favorite source of manpower for countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, U.K, Dubai, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. More and more countries are targeting Nepalese workers due to their hard work, humility and discipline. However, it is always wise to go through an approved recruitment agency in Nepal. They are professionals who work hand in hand with the government to facilitate proper recruitment of workers from Nepal.

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