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Go and Ace that Interview!!!


Since the late 1990s, the trend of Nepalese manpower going to gulf countries has risen dramatically. This was inspired and helped by manpower recruiting agencies in Nepal. Even today, there are many of such agencies working for foreign companies. The countries where most Nepalese manpower is employed are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates.

Landmark Manpower Solution is a premier recruiting agency in Nepal. In last decade, we have sent hundreds of thousands of Nepalese manpower for foreign employment and hence remittance. We are industry leaders among the Recruiting Agencies in Nepal when it comes to recruiting manpower for companies in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

As a recruiting agency in Nepal, Landmark Manpower Solution works closely with the foreign companies that require any level of manpower. By our dedicated service and rigorous selection process, we have become the most trusted among recruiting agencies in Nepal for any foreign company.

Before a candidate is approved for working in a foreign company, recruiting agency from Nepal conduct a final interview. This is done with collaboration from the concerned company itself and mostly the interview panel contains a representative from concerned company itself.

Such interviews by recruiting agencies in Nepal are a nerve racking experience but try not to let them be. This is your opportunity to shine and show your potential employer what you can do. These tips will help you succeed:

Go and Ace Interview Tips:

  • Prepare for the interview. Ask questions about format to the Nepali manpower so that you are familiar with the format.
  • Look smart. First impressions count.
  • Smile, be polite and greet everyone you meet in a way you want to be remembered. Courtesy is a very valuable asset for you and the company too.
  • Answer the question that was asked. Do not go off balance because you haven’t got a chance to showcase what you had prepared for.  It’s a 2 way street, Interview them too.

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