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What Job Opportunities Are Available in Gulf?

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  • What Job Opportunities Are Available in Gulf?

Gulf countries are some of the most lucrative destinations for job abroad. Nepalese manpower forms the bulk of migrant workforce in the Gulf Region. Landmark Manpower Solution is a premier manpower agency from Nepal. In last decade, we have sent hundreds of thousands of Nepalese manpower for foreign employment in gulf area. We are industry leaders when it comes to manpower agency form Nepal.

As a Manpower Agency From Nepal, Landmark Manpower Solution works closely with the companies that require any level of manpower. By our dedicated service and rigorous selection process, we have become the most trusted among manpower agencies from Nepal for companies in Gulf. Added benefits of free ticket free visa has also skyrocketed this process. As such, many might winder, what exactly are the job opportunities available in Gulf?

At Landmark Manpower Solution, our expert counselors of manpower agency from Nepal clarify:

Job Opportunities Available in Gulf

  • Drivers and Carpenters

Gulf countries always have very high demand for drivers and carpenters. They are some of the best paying jobs in the region too. As a dedicated manpower agency from Nepal, we have supplied lots of Nepalese manpower for those jobs.

  • Masons and Labors

Gulf Area is progressing at a rapid rate. Since, the area is in constant state of developmental flux. So, construction workers are in high demand. Being no.1 manpower agency in Nepal, we understand the demands. This ensures Nepalese manpower get best opportunities possible.

  • Jobs in IT

As it is with any developing area, information technology is booming in Gulf area. For Nepalese manpower proficient in IT, Landmark secures best job listings. We take such measures because we care about Nepalese manpower’s betterment. After all, it is our responsibility as best manpower agency from Nepal.

  • Caretakers and Babysitters

Most Nepalese women are employed as caretakers and babysitters in Gulf Region. As a no.1 manpower agency from Nepal, we ensure best possible listings for Nepalese manpower. Being a caretaker and babysitter is a much respected job.

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