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Nepal & Its Manpower Supply Scenario

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  • Nepal & Its Manpower Supply Scenario

Nepal; the birth place of great Buddha and the land containing mountain Everest is a land of rich culture and strong eastern values. Apart from its many distinctions, it is rapidly becoming the land of manpower supplier business. This land contains traditional hard working Asians. People of this land are mostly honest and down to earth and follow the humanism philosophy of the great Buddha. This unique competency gives edge to the people of Nepal from other nations. There is strong aspiration in the heart of Nepali people to work for the betterment of this global village. They respect every nation of the world and are willing to take challenges of any kind. More than two million people are outside the country for work. This land is abundant with female working women and people of Nepal believe in gender equality.

A land of app. 147 sq. km of area and with a population of twenty seven million contains 769 registered manpower suppliers. The foreign direct investment by the workers outside the country contributes a lot in the GNP of the economy. The people of Nepal are brave and are working in Indian and British army in a dignified manner. Agriculture is the main source of income in Nepal apart from other works of life as well. The biggest overall problem for its people is skilled manpower to be deployed in the foreign countries. Although the government is working to solve this problem but room is still present to eradicate poverty and unemployment in the country. Collective and collaborative move from the joint association of manpower supplier and the government can be helpful in this regard.

Each manpower supplier in Nepal is specialized in its own category of work power supply in Nepal. Every manpower supplier in Nepal should update his status in the documents of ministry of manpower supplier. People should also consult the list from embassy website before selecting the supplier. Nepal ministry has private contracts with Israel for Human resource which is a good sign. It has different associations for workers including health association and foreign employment orientation agency.

Most of the MPS (manpower supplier) are using computerized data bank for storage of data .Technology is getting popularity in Nepal. People of Nepal are working across the earth on almost everywhere. Nepal provided 9.2 % of work force for the Malaysia in 2004 -05 and this figure is improving gradually. A MPS  are committed for quality and time commitments.

The demand of Manpower Supply From Nepal is not the work of any single country but Nepal is committed in her cause of serving international community to supply her most talented work force in the best possible behavior. Almost all MPS are present on the web with their present on social search engines as well. Joint resource sharing and training can increase the capacity of workers in the near future. A joint program of government and manpower union can exploit this opportunity.

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